February 26, 2011

Peppermint stripes

I found this peppermint cotton yarn in the market for 50c a ball and it inspired me to start knitting again.

I like this colour combination but I'm not sure what to make with it. Any ideas anyone?

It can't be too big a project as I only have two balls of the mint, one of cream and one of grey. And they're all different types of yarn as you can tell by the variable width of the stripes. The grey is wool, and the other two are cotton. Another knitting no-no I'm sure, but if necessary I can find some grey cotton to match instead. 

So send any ideas this way!


kerstin said...

hey hey!
i just started crocheting again too! just now~
I love the peppermint yarn also!
it reminds me of ice cream!
and i love the variation in yarn...(it's a crocheter thing.) hehee.
hmm, these look adorable...


not that you'd need them much in Perth!

I also think a little pencil case would be cute!
something like this one;


and i also see heart shaped herb sachets with this yarn...hmm...



Eileen said...

Thanks k! The gloves are sweet, and I have needed them in winter here so a definite possibility! And the pencil case is really cute too, though the lining looks a bit tricky for a sew-a-phobe like me :)

mmm, heart shaped herb sachets would be perfect too! And I even have a pattern somewhere, for little felted ones, but I'm sure they'd look good without felting too.

Thanks for the suggestions! :)

Eileen said...

by the way, I ended up using this for yarn-bombing in my front yard, on the bottlebrush tree that we moved.. it helped it survive the transplant shock I reckon, as now it's thriving!