February 27, 2011

Fraggle Rock knitting song!

Fraggle Rock AND knitting!  I would never have thought they went together until I saw this! 

The funniest thing is at the end when one Doozer says "I'll shout if I want to, and do you know WHY?" and hthe other one says "Why?",  I thought he replied "Because I AINT knitting, I want to KILL!"  when actually he says "Because I HATE knitting, I want to BUILD!"


kerstin said...

i love the 'clickity-clicks' of the knitting needles in the background and the 'knit one purl two's~'
knitting and blogging are addictive hey!
i'm crocheting little flowers right now.


Mars said...

Ha ha ha ha...

Made me laugh! I ain't knitting I want to KILL"

ahhh first laugh of the morning....

thank you


Liz said...

love the end of that song too - hehehe