October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!
I haven't seen any trick-or-treaters yet tonight but I've put these lanterns up and I have supplies of chocolate ready just in case. I know you're supposed to use pumpkins but I just love these pigs - thanks b! Pigs, pumpkins, they are both p words anyway.
I miss you all out there. Hope you're having a fun halloween, and drop by flickr sometime for some photos from the proper side of the country.


Ursula said...

yes, they'll do the trick! would love some chocolate right now! Happy Hallowen!

anouk said...

happy halloween!
i never knew you were supposed to put pumpkins out if as a sign that you welcome trick a treaters!
did you get any?

miss you too!!!!

lisbeth said...

cute lights!! :) wish i could have seen ya longer.. but am planning to come over there sometime.. soon we hope!