November 14, 2011

I see red

A couple of my favourite reds for the lead-up to the silly season.

We planted this kangaroo paw this year and it's flowering for the first time in spectacular tall stalks with furry-looking flowers on the ends. They open up one by one, and each afternoon a striped honeyeater visits, clinging on to the stalk and poking its beak down the newly opened flowers. The stalks have started to bend right over from its weight but none have broken....yet.

I can see why this was chosen as the floral emblem of Western Australia, as it looks stunning with very little effort.

And today I finished one of my red cable socks.

At this rate the pair will be done in time for winter next year.. I had a bit of a crisis after I turned the heel, because I tried it on and it felt too small. So then I put it aside and tried not to think about how I should've probably done a tension square first.   Luckily I couldn't bring myself to unravel it, so I kept going and now it fits fine, and I love it!


kerstin said...

what a healthy and fabulously RED
kangaroo paw! They always made me feel a little queezy, it must have been the heat associated with them...hehee
Love your red sock too! I'm glad you kept going and finished it! It looks great! I know the feeling when it comes to knitting or in my case, crocheting.
I love crocheting because I can make up my own pattern once I get stuck, (which is so often following instructions) haha and still pull it off somewhat.

Liz said...

Wow - amazing sock! :) I tip my hat to you.. and i quite like that kangaroo paw you've got there too... There is a house up the road from us that has a bunch of them growing in the front yard, and it actually looks surprisingly pretty. They are a big mix of yellow and red and yeah... look quite good... heh can imagine yours do too!