I was so pleased with the green beanie that I bought some more merino/silk blend yarn and a smaller round needle and started on this one. The cables look complicated but really they are easy, you only have to do them every third row and just alternate between front cables and back ones.
So the cable pattern is just:
1st row: p2, k12, p2
2nd row: p2, k12, p2
3rd row: p2, "cable 6 front (k3 and 3)"- which means slip the next 3 stitches onto a cable needle (or safety pin or skewer or whatever is handy) and hold at front of work, k3 from the left hand needle, then knit the 3 stitches from the cable needle. Easy! Then cable 6 front (k3 and 3) again, then p2.
4th row: p2, k12, p2
5th row: p2, k12, p2
6th row: p2, k12, p2
7th row: p2, k3, "cable 6 back (k3 and 3)" - which means slip the next 3 stitches onto a cable needle and hold at back of work, k3 from left hand needle, then knit the 3 stitches from the cable needle. Then k3, p2.
8th row: p2, k12, p2.
That's it! Then you just go back to the first row and do it all again.
I did 5 sets of cables, with purled stitches in between, and decreased stitches in the purled sections to make it gradually taper in. Then I decreased each 3 stitch cable down to 2 stitches, and I think I'll knit a few more rows like this before bringing it right in at the top. Which I am not looking forward to because it's so fiddly but how hard can it be?
WOW - You're an expert already! Great looking beanie!
I'll have to learn how to do that, too.
jixnaxLove the beanie! you are a very talented lady!
have you read any new authors lately? I truly did enjoy the one you gave me for Christmas!
ooops! sorry about the funny word at the ending, somehow I managed to type in the word verification on to the comment field! ....
thanks mum - I'll teach you when I come over next, and you can teach me stripes!
Thanks pamela - lovely to hear from you, and sorry I haven't been in touch! Glad you liked the book I gave you for Christmas (which one was that?) I really love the book bag too - although I use it for my knitting things - it's perfect for yarns and the pockets are good for needles and scissors and all the bits and pieces.
I've recently read Khaled Hosseini's 'A thousand splendid suns' which wasn't bad, but didn't quite live up to my expectations... Have you read it? Also am now reading "People of the Book" by Geraldine Brooks, which I am enjoying so far, you might like it. What have you read lately?
you're a pro now!
p.s- i miss you!!!
wanna move to canada?
hi there ... i have just started to read Fragrant Harbor by John Lanchester ...it is showing good promise so far! about a young englishman looking for adventure in 1935. bought a ticket to hong Kong ..and so the adventure begins!
glad you are enjoying the bag! Knitting things are good also!
I will have to look up People of the Book. I have tread A thousand splendid suns ...I agree with you on that one!
my head is cold
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