Hello and welcome to my new blog, where I'm hoping to post more often than my last one. First off, here are some pics of my humble vegie patch.

I staked the peas today, they were growing along the ground and trying to climb up each other, so now they look much happier.

When we got back from Margaret River we found that some more of the fence had fallen down, and the neighbour's dog had taken the opportunity to escape through our place down to the park. So this weekend's job will be to get a new fence.
At least the tomatoes didn't mind, they just bent forward and kept growing!

The second crop of radishes is coming along too, and the pak choy is ready to eat.
The only disappointment so far is the oregano - that's it in the purple pots. The seeds germinated but haven't done much else. They seem to be stuck at a millimetre high, not growing but not dying either. Any suggestions anyone?
shake rattle and roll!!!
your garden looks great! did you build the raised beds yourself? (i forgot to ask)
i have no idea about oregano, i looked it up and it said its apparently easy to grow, needs full sun. Maybe it's just slow?
looking forward to more posties from you nell nell!
Welcome back Eileen!
I am so pleased that you enjoy growing your own veges.
Oregano likes a hot dry climate and might be easier to grow in summer, but it is always slow growing.
The cooler months are great for growing coriander, which doesn't like hot weather.
Good gardening!
Thanks mum and anouk!
I've got the oregano in full sun but it might just be too cold for it.. hopefully it will grow better in summer, if it makes it through the winter. Might move it inside but it's colder in the house sometimes!
Yep we built the raised garden beds ourselves, after shovelling the sand in the whole yard level (it was all piled up against the fence, and apparently was the only thing holding it up at the back).
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