I know it's been a long long time but I thought I'd say a little hello just in case anyone still checks this blog!
Not much new to report on the vege garden, just the usual winter crop of spinach and silverbeet, and the herbs are all doing well - parsley, thyme, oregano all thriving, and little basil seedlings still poking through where we pulled out last year's plants.
Strawberries are taking over where we planted just one seedling last year, but I don't mind! Hopefully we'll get more fruit this spring.
We also put in a passionfruit vine which is happily twining up the chicken-wire, and some tomatoes of course.
Front garden is coming along too now, we've made another bed with pinks and reds, and a few roses I bought for a bargain $2.oo each! They were just twigs with roots, and half-dead I think, but this morning I saw that one has sprouted little shoots.
And I planted two Albany Woollybushes in the backyard. They're natives that I've seen around here, very pretty with soft pine-like needles, like a little fir tree.
Albert's growing up, he fills up the whole photo frame now!